Hope Through Camp

Sometimes in life, things happen that we have no control over. You can't always control what the people you care about in your life do – the things that cause much pain and disappointment. Even though you love them very much and have done everything you thought possible to help them, there is still pain you have no control over. Praise God, praise the Father who we can cling to in those times of pain, disappointment and uncertainty. Knowing that God has a plan for us in life, in spite of all of the wrong choices and bad things that can happen, it brings much comfort to know that He is in control.

I had the opportunity to meet with a person; her name is Carrie. She was a woman that went to Camp Luther as a child. Her grandparents wanted to make sure that she could experience God in this place, with counselors that would encourage her in God’s Word, and know that she was loved in all circumstances. Throughout Carrie’s high school and early adult years, she made choices that landed her in prison. Life in prison has been really bad, and she has tried to end her life a few times. She was in the “slimy pit” with no hope of getting out. Through certain circumstances, Carrie was able to talk with me for about an hour, and I asked her what she remembered about camp. Her face lit up immediately as she said with a glowing smile, “I remember everything about Camp Luther!” She said that her favorite village was Noah’s Ark. We sang her favorite song, “LIONS” and others she remembered.

The memories of Camp Luther, the love that Carrie felt from her counselors, being in God’s Word, and the camp songs, brings her hope in prison. I was able to remind Carrie that the Lord loves her very much! That she is a forgiven and baptized child of God! She can cling to those promises and think of her time at camp when she starts to feel that hopelessness.

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Psalm 40:2

As parents and adults, it is so important that we give our children every opportunity to know and experience God. Through a place like Camp Luther, children and others see God in His creation and learn about Him. They can worship God with other children and hear about God's grace and mercy. As parents, grandparents, and people of God, we should provide every opportunity to expose children to the positive things in life: service to God, strong caring relationships, servant leadership,  and Christian community.  Camp Luther offers one of the most important things anyone can give a child, family member, teenager, or grandparents; the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ!   Just like Carrie is reminded of her hope in the Lord by remembering her time at Camp Luther as a child, I pray that no one misses the opportunity we have in blessing them with the knowledge of His grace and mercy through the ministries of Camp Luther.

Thank you so much for being a part of sharing the Gospel to others! We depend on the grace of God and friends like you to continue the mission of sharing Christ with others! Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support!

Shelly “Indigo” Karolus
Director of Donor Relations


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