ANCHORED: Summer 2017 Recap

For we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. – Hebrews 6:19 This summer at Camp Luther and Keweenaw Base Camp, thousands of campers got to experience the theme “Anchored” lived out in their own lives. Campers, guests, and families were reminded of the hope we have in Jesus Christ. They learned that in Jesus, we have a hope that rescues us, a hope that we can trust in, and a hope that we know is true and living. They left Camp Luther knowing that Jesus loves them tremendously and that He is stronger than any earthly anchor and will hold them through the storms of life. While it’s impossible to measure how many lives were impacted by the Holy Spirit this summer, we can measure some things! At Camp Luther... Over 1,500 children and youth attended overnight camps at Camp Luther! 275 first-time campers were sent to Camp Luther through the Every Kid to Camp program! Over 20 kids participated in the second year of a local day ...