Thank You!

August 25 th , the last day of camp, arrived too quickly. Like summers of past this one flew by. The full-time staff remains at camp, preparing for the upcoming seasons and continually looking towards next summer. Camp is empty, but our hearts remain full. Inside each of us we wish to faithfully thank the 2015 Summer Staff for all they did, not only for us, but for your child and for the Kingdom of God. Yet, how do we begin to say thank you? How do we say thank you to 44 incredible individuals who served at Camp Luther this summer? How do we thank our friends who became our family? How do we thank them for enduring sleepless nights and exhausting days? How do we thank them for their sacrifices? How do we thank them for sharing their heart and love with those who crossed the bridge? How do we thank them for going above and beyond what was asked? How do we thank them for being an example of hope? How do we thank them for reminding us we are known and l...