10 Signs Winter is Here

1. So much snow! 2. The Broomball court is ready! Rescue always puts in a lot of hard work prepping the court and continues to make sure it's perfect throughout the winter. Follow Camp Luther on Instagram 3. Summer Camp brochures are here and have been mailed. 4. Winter Youth Retreats are filling up... …but there is still room! Register your youth group today! Big Chill (Middle School) | Deep Freeze (Middle/High School) | Sub Zero (High School) 5. Summer Camp Registration is open! Register here for an unforgettable, faith-enriching summer. 6. T ubing runs are open. Our downhill tubing innertu bes were inflated this fall and are ready to hit the hills! 7. Summer Staff applications are open! Love kids? Love Jesus? Want to be part of a close-knit community who will become some of your best and closest friends? A summer spent working at camp is nothing short of life-changing. Get more information...