What Will You Do With Your Summer?

Some will spend the summer making money in their hometown, while others will enroll in unavoidable summer classes. Some might backpack around Europe or binge watch Netflix while lying horizontal on their parents couch. Others will choose different. They will choose an adventure of meaningful service and growth. They will choose camp. Having carved their way deep within nature, camps are a beautiful world of their own. Unknown to some, yet home to many, they thrive in secluded locations throughout the country. It is a place where silly songs are sung, campfires are sat around, wild games are played, and the unheard of is heard of! But that’s not all. Camp is a life-changing opportunity that invites you to grow, challenge yourself, love others, and serve the Lord. Working on a camp summer staff isn’t a simple walk in the woods, yet through its challenges will be one of the most memorable and rewarding summers your life will have. Those who have served at camp in the past ...