NLOMA Conference Recap

Camp Luther staff Beemer, Woody, Sojo, and Kardia at the NLOMA Conference Every February, members of the Camp Luther staff join with ministry professionals representing nearly 30 Christian camps across the country. The organization is called NLOMA (National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association). This year, staff members Woody, Beemer, Kardia, and Sojo traveled to the Mount Olivet Conference and Retreat Center in Farmington, Minnesota for the conference. This annual conference features worship time, several amazing speakers, and plenty of time to enjoy fellowship and networking with staff members from other camps. Pastor Gabe Kasper (Camp Luther Alumn) leading worship Worship times at this year’s conference were led by pastor and Camp Luther alumn Gabe Kasper (Austin, Texas). The keynote speaker was Dr. Andy Root. Andy’s discussion focused on place sharing in relationships and letting Jesus find His way into our lives by spending time with one another and sh...