Bless Your Family With a Workbee Weekend

Your children or grandchildren will discover the satisfaction of hard work.
We live in an age when physical labor is less and less common. As a result, our children often haven't experienced the satisfaction of that kind of accomplishment. Not only does completing your work at Workbee provide a great feeling of accomplishment, when shared with others it makes an indelible impression. How often at camp do we hear the pride in someone's voice when they return to camp and say "We did that!"
You will show your thankfulness to God.
Jesus is our ultimate model of true servanthood. Through His life on this earth he showed his compassion for those in need around him. Through his death and resurrection, he showed his amazing love for all people. Serving others in our lives is one way that we can show our thankfulness to the Lord for all that he has done for us. "This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God." - 2 Corinthians 9:12
You will model the servanthood to each other.
The Bible says "train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it." Educators know the value of experiential learning. There is no more effective training than doing. Serving at Camp Luther with your children or grandchildren allows them to see you living out your faith. This can create a life-long pattern of service to the Lord. And you may be surprised......Your children's service may make an impact on you!
Your family will grow closer.
Shared experiences always bring families closer. Unlike a dinner out or a vacation, serving the Lord at Camp Luther provides a meaningful purpose to your experience. Morning and evening devotions, worship, and fellowship with other Christians provide opportunities to grow together in Christ. A tradition of Workbee for your family allows your family to focus on serving the Lord together and provides an experience that will always connect you.
Your family will have fun!
You'll be surprised how much fun it is to work with our staff and other volunteers. For a weekend, you can set aside your problems and your agenda, and focus on simply serving Jesus. You'll be encouraged by the laughter, smiles, and encouragement of others. Workbee is fun!

There are many reasons people visit Camp Luther, but we know that one big reason is the relationships that have grown in this special place. These relationships bring people back to Camp Luther year after year. You too will be bless by the people you meet and serve with at camp.
You will further the ministry of Camp Luther.
Workbee Weekends are vital to this ministry. Workbee volunteers are important members of our team. While cutting wood, cleaning, raking may not seem as important as a summer counselor, in reality Camp Luther works when everyone does what they can to help. Through volunteering you are helping Camp Luther to touch more and more lives with the message of the Gospel.
Won't you join us for Workbee this spring? We welcome single-parent families, blended families, grandparents raising grandchildren, retired couples, single adults, college students, traditional families, and anyone who wants to serve at camp. And its FREE!
Our Workbee Weekends are held each spring on the last weekend of April (April 25-27, 2014) and the third weekend of May (May 16-18, 2014). They begin Friday evening and conclude with lunch on Sunday. Visit out website for more information and to register. We also have Volunteer Days planned at Keweenaw Base Camp May 9-10!
Thank you for serving the Lord wherever you are!
Gary "Woody" Vought
64 Workbees
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