Campers and Counselors Open Up About Camp

We received the following comments from some who participated in our recent Instagram contest.  Faith, relationships, and love are common themes.  Camp has had an incredible impact in their lives and their faith.  What was true for so many of us growing up in the 70s, 80s, and 90s is still true today.  Praise the Lord!

"There's a special feeling you have at camp.  A feeling you can't recreate back home.  A feeling that everyone surrounding you cares about you."

"I really learned more about God.  I grew and will continue grow in my faith. "

"Some of my best and favorite memories are from my times at camp.  Without Camp Luther I don't know where I would be today.
"Camp.....the place where you make lifelong friends and grow stronger in your faith all while making amazing memories."

"Never has a place made me feel so welcomed, loved, changed, worthwhile or beautiful."

"I was shown over and over again that I am loved."

"Never have I learned so much or grown so quickly.  This place changed my life while Christ changed my heart and taught me to serve."

"You don't have to worry about anything.  Everyone loves you for who you are."

"Everyone grows at their own pace, in their own way, but everyone should experience Camp Luther."

Thank you to everyone who responded.  Send your kids to camp and watch them grow!

Gary "Woody" Vought
Former Junior Counselor


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